Blueberry Farm Capacity Development


The global objective of this grant scheme is to support improved access to and competitiveness on the national and international markets for Kosovo's agri-rural goods and services.


Maxhunaj, Vushtrri, Mitrovica




18 months (02/01/2020 – 07/31/2021)


Total: 277,680 EUR ; EU contribution (61%)


Target group: Berrykode Company and its employees, new employees, construction companies; Final beneficiaries: European consumers, Kosovo budget, input dealers, wholesales, retailers, better environment.


With this investment the company intends to protect blueberries fruits by birds, hail, creation of microclimate and wind and in the other hand to assure the eligible PH levels at soils and availability of water for irrigation, such investment will have impact to mitigate drought and flooding’s.


-Construction of the hail protection system -coverage 6 ha plantation; -Expansion of the smart irrigation system extended to other 3 ha and construction of the water storage capacity (water silo) 300m3 (software expansion - additional license, pressure compensating anti-drip pipes, PCV pipes for network distribution in the parcel, frequency controller, electronic valves, electronic cable for remote control of the system, water pump 7 KW and installation works – final testing to ensure the proper functioning of the system in the whole of 6 ha); -Development of the solar power generation system – 10KW; -Upgrading of the cold storage facility with Ultra-Low Oxygen Palliflex system for improved products for shelf life 9 to 10 weeks. This system is going to be integrated into our cold storage facility; -Purchase of a multifunctional tractor for farm maintenance, weed control and fertilization (mulcher, tiller, plow, trailer, and sprayer); -Construction of a storage facility 120 m2 for farm equipment, machinery, and other related materials;


-Increase berry production to 40 MT/year 2021 per year all contracted to the Netherlands. -6 ha constructed anti-hail system; - Additionally, for 3 ha - Smart irrigation system and water storage 300m3; -Improvement of the quality standards -10 KW solar panels installed; -ULO system installed; -Horizontal integration with other blueberry farmers.