The European Union has been providing substantial assistance to the Assembly of Kosovo since 2006. Since 2008, the Assembly was supported by three Twinning projects for a total value of 3.05 Million Euro, implemented between 2011 and 2018.
The main objective of these three projects were:1. To improve the legislative process within the Assembly;
2. To strengthen management practices in the Assembly, on the financial and budgetary, the human resources and the ICT system management;
3. To strengthen the oversight function of the Assembly of the plenary session and the committees;
4. To prepare for EU integration; and,
5. To provide administrative support to MPs related to tasks of the European integration process.Before preparation of the new support to the Assembly, the EU Office in Kosovo launched an independent evaluation of these three Twinning projects in October 2018. Conclusions of the evaluation include findings regarding relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability, EU-added value and coherence of the three Twinning projects.This evaluation presents a very useful tool for planning the future support to the Assembly.
2. To strengthen management practices in the Assembly, on the financial and budgetary, the human resources and the ICT system management;
3. To strengthen the oversight function of the Assembly of the plenary session and the committees;
4. To prepare for EU integration; and,
5. To provide administrative support to MPs related to tasks of the European integration process.Before preparation of the new support to the Assembly, the EU Office in Kosovo launched an independent evaluation of these three Twinning projects in October 2018. Conclusions of the evaluation include findings regarding relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability, EU-added value and coherence of the three Twinning projects.This evaluation presents a very useful tool for planning the future support to the Assembly.
Please see more details in the report in the link below:
Action Plan for the Kosovo Assembly (English Only)
FLICKR Photo’s:
Opening Ceremony of the twinning project: Further Support to Kosovo Assembly
Twinning project: Supporting the Kosovo Assembly – closing event 21 Feb 2018