Further strengthening of Kosovo National Audit Office (KNAO) impact


To further improve the public financial management in Kosovo and build confidence in public spending by promoting transparency and enhancing public accountability.




Public Finance and Administration


21 months (29/08/2019 - 31/05/2021)


€ 699,504.79


National Audit Office of Poland and experts from different MSs


Specific objective is to support the National Audit Office of Kosovo (KNAO) to further develop its capacities for sustainable delivery of its mission’s objectives according to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and enhance its impact through an intensified communication with citizens, Parliament and other stakeholders.


Kosovo National Audit Office (KNAO)


Joint work with the beneficiary (KNAO) and other government institutions and partners-citizens, Parliament, CSO, other stakeholders


 Inspection of relevant legislation linked to the audit of POEs;  Inspection of the relevant audit manual and their update;  Developing the training programmes for regularity auditors and audit quality management staff on POEs regularity audit process;  Delivering the trainings to 6-8 staff of Audit Quality Management directorate and 8 staff of the Audit Department;  Field audit work mentored by MS experts;  Study visit of 8 KNAO staff to the MS to consolidate and sustain knowledge and skills gained during twinning light activities.


Mandatory Result 1 (Component 1): Communication with citizens, Parliament and other stakeholders enhanced  Sub-Result 1.1: Strengthened effective communication with citizens, Parliament and other stakeholders.  Sub-Result 1.2: Strengthened coordination and communication with relevant parliamentary committees.  Sub-Result 1.3: More effective dialogue and communication with the public and main stakeholders.  Sub-Result 1.4: Strengthened communication and effective consultations of KNAO with diverse Civil Society Organizations. Mandatory Result 2 (Component 2): Institutional capacities of KNAO strengthened  Sub Result 2.1: KNAO impact increased, through implementation of recommendations by audited entities.  Sub-Result 2.2: Improved methodology of issuing audit recommendations and their implementation.  Sub-Result 2.3: Enhanced skills of the Audit Team Leaders to measure accurately the level of progress with implementation of recommendations.  Sub-Result 2.4: General and technical capacities of KNAO staff strengthened. Mandatory Result 3 (Component 3): Improved Audit Manuals (Financial and Compliance) and working papers, in accordance with applicable legislation and updated ISSAIs  Sub-Result 3.1: General role of KNAO in the area of Public Financial Management strengthened.  Sub-Result 3.2: Improved Audit Manuals and Working Papers Package.  Sub-Result 3.3: Strengthened KNAO staff capacities in the use of updated manuals.  Sub-Result 3.4: Enhanced skills of relevant KNAO staff through studying new practices and learning from the experiences of the MS - SAI.