EU Community Stabilisation Programme Phase IV (EU-CSP IV)
The overall objective of the EU-CSP Phase IV is to facilitate creation of an inclusive multi-ethnic society in Kosovo, through socio-economic stability and community development initiatives by creating viable income and employment opportunities to all minority communities in Kosovo and ensuring their sustainable (re)integration
38 municipalities in all regions of Kosovo
Community Development
44 months (01 Jan 2020 – 31 Aug 2023)
Total cost of the project EUR 4,960,000.00. (all EU contribution)
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Members of ethnic minority communities including Serbian, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian, Gorani, Bosniaks, Turks, and Croats throughout Kosovo including Albanian Communities living in Northern Kosovo.
Ministry of Communities and Returns (MCR), respective municipal authorities
The specific objectives of the action are: (i) to create income-generating opportunities for non-majority communities throughout the value chain in key economic sectors in Kosovo thereby enhancing their (re) integration prospects; and (ii) to improve social inclusion and resilience of disadvantaged communities through stimulating tailored inter-ethnic community initiatives that contribute to trust building and reconciliation
In support of Result 1 1.1 Maintain Project Approval Committee and Municipal Support Committees; 1.2 Provide mobile outreach to non-majority community beneficiaries; 1.3. Disseminate programme information through leaflets, local media, newsletters, and online presence; In support of Result 2 2.1. Engage with associations and individuals in the target municipalities active in the key economic sectors identified. 2.2 Provide support to non-majority and inter-ethnic business associations to leverage economies of scale for groups of producers; 2.3. Facilitate contacts between supported producers and processors as well as majority value chain actors. In support of Result 3 3.1 Launch call for proposals; 3.2 Select new and operational enterprises to be supported; 3.3 Distribute assistance to selected enterprises to upgrade and fill value chain or market gaps; 3.4 Provide regular monitoring, evaluation, and ongoing support of selected enterprises, as well as inclusion in the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce. 3.5 Conduct Rapid assessment on the needs of previously supported businesses to define specific interventions to address the effects of Covid-19 spread on non-majority businesses. In support of Result 4 4.1 Coordinate with Municipal Offices for Communities and Return (MoCR) and community leaders/representatives to identify needs in their respective communities, as well as regular field assessments to develop Municipal Profiles. 4.1.1. Deliver Food and non-food packages in coordination with Municipal Centres for Social Work, MOCR-s, and UNDP to address the immediate needs of the most vulnerable families. 4. 2 Select and implement community level projects in coordination with local authorities to ensure ownership and sustainability of intervention. In support of Results 5 5.1 Identification and selection of social inclusion initiatives 5.2 Implementation of selected social inclusion initiatives 5.3 Measurement of the change in perception, the increase of trust and positive feelings towards non-majority groups
Result 1 - Information exchange and coordination mechanisms in place to ensure effective and participatory implementation of EU-CSP activities. Result 2 – Non-majority and inter-ethnic business associations are created and supported to establish new value-added production and processing higher in value chain, i.e. producing not only raw materials but also securing markets for finished products. Result 3 - New or operational existing non-majority entrepreneurs supported to establish/enhance production and processing in high potential sectors, with a special focus on vulnerable groups including returnees, women, and members of the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities Result 4 – Inter-ethnic community projects fostering inclusion and social (re)integration of non-majority community members are jointly identified and facilitated through community actions Result 5 - Enhanced social integration between local ethnic communities through social, language and educational activities