DOKUFEST: Human Rights Factory - Ethnic Community Cooperation Through Storytelling


The overall objective of the action is to promote inter-community and inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo through visual storytelling by young visual storytellers of different communities and ethnicities.




Democracy and Human Rights / Media and Communications / Minority Communities / Youth


Kosovo local and national institutions responsible for community welfare, ethnic relations and culture. These are the bodies that have little or no access to media production that deal with human rights.


25/December/2013 - 24/December/2015


Total cost of the project 147,310.27 EUR; EU contribution 129,470.00 EUR


The specific objectives of this action are: -Create an impact on policy level discussions in Kosovo and beyond by increasing the awareness on the existence of challenges of inter-ethnic living in Kosovo and beyond. -Increase the technical capacity and cooperation of visual storytellers (documentary film and video) to create documentary films and short videos that deal with inter-ethnic relations and community issues, turning them into advocators for their issues and catalysts of social change. -Provide an opportunity to Kosovo’s visual storytellers through training to achieve highly qualitative films and videos. Strengthening the ability of selected Kosovo youth with different ethnic backgrounds and of different economic standing in community, in research, storytelling, as well as social media use for voicing their opinions, thus creating the necessary knowledge and infrastructure for youth in Kosovo to effectively use the internet for social change.


1) Presentation and training for youth of on research, use of social media, storytelling 2) Youth Story Competition 3) Short Videos Promotion & Web Centre 4) Film Production Centre Development 5) Call for Film Concept Entries & Pitching Forum 6) Storytelling & Directing Campus 7) Film Production 8) Promotion, Screening and Distribution 9) Travelling Educational Cinema.


1) To produce 6 documentaries dealing with community and inter-ethnic issues in Kosovo 2) Between up to 50 one minute stories to be produced by the 30 youth videographers 2) Increase the capacity of 20 Kosovo and regional documentary filmmakers to portray stories of people achieving or being challenged to strive in communities, especially multi-ethnic ones ; 2) To further support the documentary filmmaking centre within the Dokufest organisation with content production 3) At least 300,000 people will see the 6 produced documentary films and up to 50 short videos in local, regional and global festivals, in the organisation’s web site and social media outlets. 4) At least 30 institutional responses will be generated on the local and national level as a result of the produced films.


Total cost of the project: 147,310.27 EUR; EU contribution: 129,470.00 EUR